Batman: The Animated Series "Christmas With The Joker" (1992) Storyboard Drawings - ID: oct23064

Batman: The Animated Series "Christmas With The Joker" (1992) Storyboard Drawings - ID: oct23064 Warner Bros.




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Price: $350.00
SKU: oct23064

An original storyboard drawing from the Warner Bros. animated series, "Batman: The Animated Series" (1992-1997). Featuring three loosely sketched panels of Joker terrorizing an innocent hostage family, the graphite drawing was created at the studio and used during the early development process of the story. The drawing is from the second episode of the first season, titled "Christmas With the Joker", which aired on November 13, 1992. Measuring 8.5"x14" overall, the storyboard drawing is in very good condition with minor discoloration and surface and edge wear due to age and handling.

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